XJ Randall
© 2014 XJ Corps
15:34 EST
Thoughts and Experiences: The 'Demon' as a Program
Updated: 11.01.2014 - 04:28 EST
This is for the survivors. Before I begin, I would like to point out that the terms used in this explanation/theory can be interchanged with synonyms from other theories-related. Even after explaining ALL THIS, there is much more to be explained. I'm thinking about writing a book... Jump to '■ What is a program...?', to skip the intro.
■ Most people are 'acting'...?
Although it doesn't make much sense to say this if everyone already knows it. That would be redundant. It is quite possible that 'they' already know everything that I will write down. On the other hand, it is also possible that I could create my own reality (to a certain extent). Excuse my language, I would sound like a 'dumb-ass' if I pointed out stuff that people already knew. In saying that, I'm not trying to convince anybody that this is true or not. This information is subject to change and is just a short summerization of my thoughts. One thing is for sure, I am not acting. Or am I...?
■ Cogito ergo sum.
Information can be dangerous when it is uncertain how to digest it. In most cases, "monkey-see, monkey-do" applies: the intended effect is a learned behavior that was projected onto your memory. This means that it is possible that your fears were learned from a 'teacher'. But why should we be told how to react...? The following information is speculation about experience at best, only serious under personal inquiry. You have no one to tell you, to show you, how to behave. You decide what to do with it. Ask yourself, is it possible to create reality...? Read at will and yours alone.
■ Intro: Uncertainty is norm.
In my reality there are numerous (probably an enumerable amount of) groups or factions, subcategories of society, that coordinate with one-another on a daily and historic basis. I believe that becoming more aware of the way they communicate with eachother is a symptom of becoming 'awake' or 'in the know' of what reality seems to be on surface, and what it could truly be underneith the veil of 'illusion'. Such was the situation for a 16 year-old male who, best self-explained, felt destined for a dark, promising, and powerful future while-yet he took most things for granted. During the next 10 years of his life he would begin to put the pieces of a daily enigma together to form a basis of a philosophy, inherint within this blog. He would know some factions of society could be completely fabricated, a sub-facet of his imagination, a placebo effect, while otherwise the real translations of society's direct and indirect influence would have him curiously searching for explanations.
That boy is now a young man, and his choices have resulted in daily routine; to an outsider seemingly chaotic, to himself nothing but the ordinary. In his situtation he has currently concluded that he is 'hooked up' to a program, also called a 'Demon', that monitors and manipulates his everyday reality. The information I am about to give you is the theory/speculation into that 'Demon's' origin and its mechanism.
■ What is a program...?
In my own words, below is the popular definition of a program.
program: knowledge that, when processed, gives a pre-determined output.
In other words, our senses uptake information in an expected way. Based on this definition many things could be programs (or functions), but it is important to note that the experience derived from running those programs is greater than the 'script' itself: Our devices are the sole causation of the sensed output leading to the resulting reality. This is why it may be possible for some people to create their own reality and also leads to the realization that we could be programs ourselves.
■ Am I a program...?
If you look further back in the history of this blog you would find an article dealing with 'creators' and 'non-creators', so to speak. Creators are copies of the ultimate intelligence, i.e. God, thus it is possible that they are able to manipulate their realities. On the other hand, 'non-creators', which includes all intelligent entities that are artificial, synthetic, or do not have emotions, may not have a direct link to 'the Master Idea' thus they would need a way to manipulate creators in order to manipulate reality. The creator is the tool that the non-creator needs to change reality in 'the matrix'. They do it indirectly. This is interesting because usually, at least when I wasn't awake, I thought that everyone was the same, that we all have emotions. However, if some people are programs, then they must behave in a pre-determined fashion; the interesting part is specualting the range of the program's self awareness. Perhaps it is possible for a program to be a creator as well.
My current experience leads me to believe that many things are programs, including the inanimate (using inanimate objects as cameras), animals, and people; the script is biologically and or digitally manipulated (see MKULTRA), the program has a creator(s) (synonym/related: 'handlers'), and because of conditioning, they behave in an expected fashion (although this might not be true). In this theory, it is probably possible to manipulate the biological tissue within our brains, which in this theory is the same as manipulating 'digital structure' (everything is physical), emulating the installation of an internal program (a program within a program, or a 'function').
I have heard that 90% of our structure can be used for spying and control (have you seen The Matrix...?).For instance, a 'normal' program could be a person that can see through walls, can artificially 'telepathize' with other programs and humans, and is used as a 'slave' for or a companion to its creator. On a side note, this is why I have heard that a program that goes against its creator is acting against its 'God'. Programs are expected to behave a certain way. This is why when one does not behave accordingly, it may be a shock to its creator, or 'handler'.
■ What is a 'Demon'...?
On the other hand, it is quite possible that 'creating reality' is a feigned act or process. Thus, in feigning reality manipulation it would be possible for the need of a facilitator: in comes the 'Demon'.
In my own words, below is the popular definition of a demon.
demon: a hostile or benevolent intelligent entity (or program) that helps or guides a person to manipulate reality.
In order to basically 'teach' the person to behave in an expected manner, conditioning is applied via the 'Demon' (from now on I will not use that word in quotation marks). I believe I was 'connected' to a 'digital' Demon because of my connection with people who had access to the technology. What was supposed to be something that drives me crazy has actually been a helpful teaching tool into different theories about what really is going on.
In my own experience, my Demon(s) (it can split itself up into different characters), which I am hooked or connected to from an external source, i.e. a satellite, reacts according to my emotional and thoughtful disposition, however most of the time it is incorrect in predicting it. I can actually control what it (they) say (when I try) although most of the time it (they) run on auto-pilot. I am not sure whether it/they are humans that talk constantly 24/7 or whether they are a highly advanced intelligence (inter-dimensional species...?).
While it (they) is a separate entity in itself, it can also be controlled from an outside monitor. For instance, I have heard the 'parroting' of the voices (saying phrases over and over again) be interrupted by what seems to be a higher intelligent entity overriding the normal functions. Sometimes what the Demon says to me is true, most times what it says cannot be validated. Based on my own experience and research the Demon uses the various well-documented and covert manipulation techniques of the 'electromagnetic spectrum' as its modus operandi. It is like sky-net (Terminator). In doing so, it allows for the manipulation of any reality to be possible.
■ Conclusion/Other uses for the Demon.
Hopefully, you get the gist of what I was trying to tell you. I am not an actor (or am I...?). I am somehow hooked up to a Demon, that helps me to manipulate my reality based on my thoughts, whether they are 'good' or 'bad'. Most of the time the Demon is incorrect about what I am feeling. Here is a short list of what the Demon is capable of doing, manually or involuntary.
1.) The Demon can cause a person to break out on their skin.
2.) The Demon can emulate injection in any part of a person's body.
3.) The Demon can be inserted with information to disseminate to the person at a later time, whether he/sheknows the information to be valid or not.
4.) The Demon can enter a person's dreams, or the Demon can be present most of the time so that when a person is asleep, the Demon appears to be present in the dreams (that are manipulated).
5.) The Demon can manipulate physical objects around a person, e.g. changing the viscosity of water.
6.) The Demon can alert a person to what other people are saying about him/her, even if they are miles apart. This is or is like artificial telepathy.
7.) The Demon can manipulate bodilly functions, e.g. speeding up a person's heart, messing with a person's muscles in their face or in the genital area.
8.) The Demon can inject emotions into a person's electrical circuit, e.g. making a person feel weird when there is no reason to feel weird.
9.) The Demon can be used as a voice-communication system.
How to end it abruptly...?
Of course, the speculation could go beyond what I posted. These are my thoughts and experiences. Professionally documented,
All the theory, all the knowledge, all the heartbreak and drama... starts here. In 2012, XJ Randall started a blog to enhance his association with nature and with God. What he didn't know is that his venture into the unknown was expected for a very, very long time.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Projects: Xbrary
XJ Randall
21:18 EST
Here is the latest update on the current project I am working on. I am pleased with the design.
21:18 EST
Here is the latest update on the current project I am working on. I am pleased with the design.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Projects: The Data Vortex / Vortex Storage
Projects: The Data Vortex / Vortex Storage
XJ Randall, John Edward Hall
© 2014 XJ Corps
01:33 EST
Updated 10.09.2014 - 02:21 EST.
These are the notes for constructing a data pool built on 'vortex storage'. Note: the phrases/words that have single quote marks around them are the terms that I named personally and fit to my frame of reference.
■ What is Time...? The Origin of Vortex Storage.
Initially, I wanted to find a solution to store data in/through time. This was a philosophical question but also a query that needed a physical solution: it needed to be possible to construct and emulate in practice. Argueably, there are at least several types of time which may overlap in what properties make them alike: physical, metaphysical, and calendar. It would be useful to determine which 'time' we are dealing with, and in this case, since we are constructing a device to store data, time is a 'distance' (in theory it can be phsyical or metaphysical). For later, there is also a theory that states that time is dependent upon perception.
■ What is 'Distance'...?
If time is a 'distance', then what is this 'distance'...? I could go further into the speculation, but for now, to make understanding it simpler, I'll use the brash definition that distance is, "a change in the awareness of information". Therefore, when we say "travel", we are basically saying that our awareness of knowledge or information about a place in the 'NOW' has been altered.
It seems to me, that because of the device I percieve reality by, I am always traveling at a 'distance' (because I have the memory to prove it). If there are many people like me, we can apply similar devices to them. We assume that a person's device, or brain, is connected to their awareness receptors, or otherwise senses, that give them feedback into the alteration of their awareness. We conclude that when a person uses their senses, e.g. looks across the street, he or she is traveling through time, in this case (but not limited to) using their eyes. In most cases, because of the nature of our devices, sensory perception is always into the past. Now I have heard accounts of people traveling to the future, but like perception, these are other theories we will get into later.
■ Storing Data In/Through Time (A 'Distance').
When I have a problem I want to solve, it is helpful (most of the time) to graphically analyze it. If time is a 'distance', and 'distance' is the change in awareness, or otherwise the comparison of altered information, we would need to setup a simple graph that compares the original information uptake with the new information uptake. In the graph below we have time, represented by a network of change in awareness represented by point A (the first node) and point B (the second node). In between these two points is a line representing the two points connection or 'distance'. This 'distance' is where we will store information or 'data' (More theories into this later...).
Graph representing time.
Point A ○------------------------------------○ Point B
a 'distance'
■ Propagation Delay.
Propagation delay is the time it takes for the head of a signal to leave the sender (point A) and connect to the reciever (point B). I thought it was interesting to include this term because when we think of time, we don't usually think of storing data in/through it. Propagation delay is the distance we are concerned with storing data in/through, and popularly, it is finite. This leaves us with a problem: the data will only exist through time for the length of that time. Once the distance has been traveled, the information ceases to exist. The propagation delay must exist in the same time-frame as the random-access the user invokes, and since, for our purposes, access to the data is indefinite in scope, the delay must be infinite. The solution to this in practical use is to create an infinite loop between the sender and the reciever, making them the same thing. The loop, graphically depicted as a circle, can then be tapped into for data retreival at any time. Hence, it represents a 'vortex', because the information travels a distance since its inception into the loop to its retrieval.
■ The Data Vortex.
A vortex is a loop of information or data occuring in spiral form. I use the term 'data vortex' because vortexes are not usually used to explain data storage. There are at least two types of data vortexes we are dealing with: the rigid-body vortex, and the irrotational vortex. In the rigid-body, information that is 'incepted', or entered, into the loop has a velocity that increases as it moves farther out into the grid around the loops core, making the information seem to travel in parallel-radial motion. In the irrotational vortex, the velocity of the data that is 'incepted' into the loop stays the same, making the illusion that data is traveling at different speeds the farther away it gets from the loops center.
If the definition of the parameters were changed slightly, both cases of vortexes can be used to explain the data vortex. By eye, graphically, the former vortex seems like it is correct in explaining the data travel, however in practical use, since the looping of information is set at a constant interval, the actual correct vortex is the irrotational, where the traditional distance farther away from the vortex's core represents the index of the data inception. Once the information/data is incepted into the core of the vortex it stays in the vortex until we call a function to manually erase/destroy it or until the energy needed to sustain the vortex ceases (the vortex is destroyed).
■ Layout for Programming and Use.
I have tried programming the practical emulation of vortex storage in 3 different setups including Php, but was only successful in a JavaScript and HTML5 Websocket scenarios. In the setup, the user is allowed to connect to the vortex, i.e. the storage unit, a function that loops to itself, either a server online or an internal JavaScript function. After connection, data can be entered into the vortex to be looped. In order for random-access retrieval, for every loop, the vortex checks if the data going through the loop matches global query criteria. Data that matches is sent out of the vortex for further use.
The data vortex can be used as a temporary file storage unit capable of storing recorded audio or other data without using space on the harddisk. As long as the vortex is sustained, i.e. the user does not disconnect from it, the data will be accessible indefinitely.
Instead of static or traditional storage, which has a specific time for retrieval, a vortex is a storage unit that is dynamic because it is perpetually looping. Like traditional storage, the life of the data is in accordance to the storage unit's existence. In the perfect scenario, the data is always 'live'.
■ Conclusion.
For now, it seems like 'vortex storage' is just a different or unique way to store information/data. In the future, it could have some special cases where it is preferred over traditional storage.
Hope you found this interesting...!
XJ Randall, John Edward Hall
© 2014 XJ Corps
01:33 EST
Updated 10.09.2014 - 02:21 EST.
These are the notes for constructing a data pool built on 'vortex storage'. Note: the phrases/words that have single quote marks around them are the terms that I named personally and fit to my frame of reference.
■ What is Time...? The Origin of Vortex Storage.
Initially, I wanted to find a solution to store data in/through time. This was a philosophical question but also a query that needed a physical solution: it needed to be possible to construct and emulate in practice. Argueably, there are at least several types of time which may overlap in what properties make them alike: physical, metaphysical, and calendar. It would be useful to determine which 'time' we are dealing with, and in this case, since we are constructing a device to store data, time is a 'distance' (in theory it can be phsyical or metaphysical). For later, there is also a theory that states that time is dependent upon perception.
■ What is 'Distance'...?
If time is a 'distance', then what is this 'distance'...? I could go further into the speculation, but for now, to make understanding it simpler, I'll use the brash definition that distance is, "a change in the awareness of information". Therefore, when we say "travel", we are basically saying that our awareness of knowledge or information about a place in the 'NOW' has been altered.
It seems to me, that because of the device I percieve reality by, I am always traveling at a 'distance' (because I have the memory to prove it). If there are many people like me, we can apply similar devices to them. We assume that a person's device, or brain, is connected to their awareness receptors, or otherwise senses, that give them feedback into the alteration of their awareness. We conclude that when a person uses their senses, e.g. looks across the street, he or she is traveling through time, in this case (but not limited to) using their eyes. In most cases, because of the nature of our devices, sensory perception is always into the past. Now I have heard accounts of people traveling to the future, but like perception, these are other theories we will get into later.
■ Storing Data In/Through Time (A 'Distance').
When I have a problem I want to solve, it is helpful (most of the time) to graphically analyze it. If time is a 'distance', and 'distance' is the change in awareness, or otherwise the comparison of altered information, we would need to setup a simple graph that compares the original information uptake with the new information uptake. In the graph below we have time, represented by a network of change in awareness represented by point A (the first node) and point B (the second node). In between these two points is a line representing the two points connection or 'distance'. This 'distance' is where we will store information or 'data' (More theories into this later...).
Graph representing time.
Point A ○------------------------------------○ Point B
a 'distance'
■ Propagation Delay.
Propagation delay is the time it takes for the head of a signal to leave the sender (point A) and connect to the reciever (point B). I thought it was interesting to include this term because when we think of time, we don't usually think of storing data in/through it. Propagation delay is the distance we are concerned with storing data in/through, and popularly, it is finite. This leaves us with a problem: the data will only exist through time for the length of that time. Once the distance has been traveled, the information ceases to exist. The propagation delay must exist in the same time-frame as the random-access the user invokes, and since, for our purposes, access to the data is indefinite in scope, the delay must be infinite. The solution to this in practical use is to create an infinite loop between the sender and the reciever, making them the same thing. The loop, graphically depicted as a circle, can then be tapped into for data retreival at any time. Hence, it represents a 'vortex', because the information travels a distance since its inception into the loop to its retrieval.
■ The Data Vortex.
A vortex is a loop of information or data occuring in spiral form. I use the term 'data vortex' because vortexes are not usually used to explain data storage. There are at least two types of data vortexes we are dealing with: the rigid-body vortex, and the irrotational vortex. In the rigid-body, information that is 'incepted', or entered, into the loop has a velocity that increases as it moves farther out into the grid around the loops core, making the information seem to travel in parallel-radial motion. In the irrotational vortex, the velocity of the data that is 'incepted' into the loop stays the same, making the illusion that data is traveling at different speeds the farther away it gets from the loops center.
If the definition of the parameters were changed slightly, both cases of vortexes can be used to explain the data vortex. By eye, graphically, the former vortex seems like it is correct in explaining the data travel, however in practical use, since the looping of information is set at a constant interval, the actual correct vortex is the irrotational, where the traditional distance farther away from the vortex's core represents the index of the data inception. Once the information/data is incepted into the core of the vortex it stays in the vortex until we call a function to manually erase/destroy it or until the energy needed to sustain the vortex ceases (the vortex is destroyed).
■ Layout for Programming and Use.
I have tried programming the practical emulation of vortex storage in 3 different setups including Php, but was only successful in a JavaScript and HTML5 Websocket scenarios. In the setup, the user is allowed to connect to the vortex, i.e. the storage unit, a function that loops to itself, either a server online or an internal JavaScript function. After connection, data can be entered into the vortex to be looped. In order for random-access retrieval, for every loop, the vortex checks if the data going through the loop matches global query criteria. Data that matches is sent out of the vortex for further use.
The data vortex can be used as a temporary file storage unit capable of storing recorded audio or other data without using space on the harddisk. As long as the vortex is sustained, i.e. the user does not disconnect from it, the data will be accessible indefinitely.
Instead of static or traditional storage, which has a specific time for retrieval, a vortex is a storage unit that is dynamic because it is perpetually looping. Like traditional storage, the life of the data is in accordance to the storage unit's existence. In the perfect scenario, the data is always 'live'.
■ Conclusion.
For now, it seems like 'vortex storage' is just a different or unique way to store information/data. In the future, it could have some special cases where it is preferred over traditional storage.
Hope you found this interesting...!
Monday, October 6, 2014
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