Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Constant Sigil: Telling the Future Via Brain-Wave Graphics

The more I delve into a way to manipulate reality, the more 'stuff' I uncover, interesting to say the least. This 'stuff' has to do with brainwaves. Just the gist will be explained, although I haven't tested it yet. It is the blueprint for what should occur.

I was trying to find a way to manipulate reality via the technology I already have, basic technology including a brain wave headset. But I wanted to start by being able to tell the future. In order to solve the problem, I use one of my favorite techniques, start from the solution and work backwards.

PROBLEM: Need a way to tell the future.

COMPONENTS: Must use current technology, i.e. brain-wave headset.

What can we get from a brainwave headset...? Raw EEG data. That data can be converted to help whatever needs to be interpreted, in this case reality, or something about it, the future. What are the constraints to manipulate reality...? The device that does so must attach an emotion (not sure) to a 'thought' that dissipates into the fabric of  'what is' and manifests on the other side, i.e. the future. So, I think, somehow the emotions can tell us something, all we have to do is translate EEG data to emotion, and then work from there. One interesting fact is that brain-waves decay over a period of time, meaning a certain pattern of brainwave might contain data from the perceived past, as if it were a print. So I am thinking, how do we connect the past-print to the future...? One theory is that the past has the same knowledge as the future, the "Sigil" is the same, what differs is the interpretation of that pattern.

Going from here, we find out what this constant pattern is and then somehow figure the changing variable, the future, based on a calculation. That means, this constant pattern is the same in the past and the future, so if we isolate it in analysis, we can see what is different and make decisions based off of that. Now, how will this pattern be recognized...? It could be 1s and 0s but since I am more familiar with images, it would be a graphic of some sort. The graphic is made from the raw EEG data sent through an algorithm. We do a simple study and compare the graphics of the past to bring out the surface the "constant sigil". Then we do other analyses to the graphics. I just looked online today and it says, I don't know how true this is, but it says that photographs or digital images can somehow predict the future.

It was here

Perhaps, if we do an analysis on the brain-wave graphic to such an extent, we could get similar results.

That is all I have for now, will update soon.

Stuff: The Real NEO-Network

Just a note: if you see this idea somewhere else, it probably came from XJ Hall.

This is not really an idea, it is just a different take on what I already have. Briefly, I am building this NEO-Network to function online, but I am having a hard time seeing the difference it would make if it uses an outdated system, if it relies on advertising, or selling personal data to companies, to pay for the bandwidth. Then I thought, hey! We don't have to use ads...!
(a vision)

Jack: John, you're stupid, everyone has to use ads to pay for stuff they put online...

John: Then I won't use online...

Jack: You won't use the internet? Well, that defeats the purpose of the network...

John: Not unless the network runs independent of the WWW.

Jack: What are you saying...?

John: I'm saying, the dirty work must be done, in order to break the nonsensical, because chaos is all too easy to ignore...!

Jack: I see.

John: Basically, we can't keep doing what we're doing. We have to do it different. The Network cannot be run on an old platform. It has to be separate.

(end vision)
So basically, sorry if I'm being blatantly easy with my vocabulary, we create a 'device' that is a receiver and a sender of 'a certain type of ethos or radio wave that may or may not be in public use'. This 'device' will run on practically 'free energy' 'generated via the atmosphere'. The 'device' will be larger at first, but as technology progresses, it gets smaller, and could possibly become as small as a usb. The device will be able to be 'plugged into' via 'electrical or other means' and will have a 'display' such like a laptop, computer, or pad screen. There will be no connecting to satellite, and probably no connecting to any wires, or any wires that are tapped into by the WWW. This will be an independent network. How will information flow...? It will be an authentic experience, one that emulates or copies what had occurred 100 to 200 to 1000's of years before this. Information was passed via word of mouth or pamphlet. The information could only be accessed from exposure from one node to the next, like ants in an ant hill. It would be different, because the network would depend on the nodes in the area (because it doesn't rely on satellite), therefore making it a ground-network. NO. A user would not have the luxury of connecting to the WWW. But that is what makes it different. We start manufacturing these, get more people interested, the network will grow in each area. So there will be unique information to each 'area-network' but the setup of each node's GUI would be the same. Now some might say, "How do you find out information from across the world...?". Good question. To answer it would require using something of the scope of quantum mechanics, a 'different type of technology not currently seen by the public, making its debut for the first time ever'. It would possibly be 'used in an unorthodox way', extorted, used differently than intended, or pumped up on steroids.

Well, that's it. Like I said, if I see someone else with this idea, it probably came from my realization. I am not kidding when I say it could actually happen in the future. Remember from my previous notes, knowledge is independent of distance. That means, no matter what the distance, wherever you go, the knowledge is the same, NO MATTER WHAT. It depends on what our technology is, what we are capable of, that will allow us to do things that we have never done before, that will allow us to tap into this 'force' and discern what is happening anywhere at any time. It could happen. Maybe it already is...

That is all,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Projects: Noter

Here is a mock-up I did of a project I'm about to build. Briefly: the 'run' button double functions to record and playback on the timeline. When it 'runs' it records strokes and audio as well. If the user 'sketches' while running, the sketch can fade into the background. Pause the timeline to post a note. Content can only be changed on the creator's laptop but shared and viewed by other users, notes are stored in local storage, eventually there will be a web-socket network to watch and share automated notes in real time...


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Projects and Technology: XJ-Chat Demo

I created this little demo program to test out HTML5 / JavaScript sound before I convert it to websockets. Yes, it actually works (in Chrome) without Flash...! The program records the user's voice, and sends it as an audible message in chat. In this demo, when the user hovers over the audio, it takes some time to load. However, in future versions, we will be using websockets to execute some interesting new techniques for storing the audio, so it will be less slow, probably many times faster. You can check out the demo here.

Excited yet...? hmm...