Monday, August 18, 2014

Projects: Blink Code / Telepathy

XJ Randall
17:58 EST

Updated: 08.28.2014
22:50 EST

■ Updated:

I probably have 1 year to patent this. The below images are the system I came up with for a 'bio-telepathy' based off of the tension in the eye and jaw muscles. These five statuses allow for 25 different combinations that are respective to phonetics most commonly found in the English language. Summing up the combinations allows for the computer-speech of words without the user opening his eyes or mouth. I'm considering starting a kickstarter to fund this.

More later,


BLINK - level LOW
BLINK - level HIGH

■ Updated: 08.25.2014

In addition to having a headset on, the users in the experiment would have a 'line-in' that would be an earpiece of some sort that has a robotic-ally created generic voice that feeds them the information. The information would be simple commands that are fed to the feed similar to a 'chat function'. The user interface is not graphical: initially it is based on users communicating with the server based on brainwaves and the server sending back audio information based on the total / sum of all of the users' communication posts. However, a GUI could be implemented for the controller who is monitoring all the feeds or for each unit separately (if they are using Google Glasses for instance).

I have already come up with an unusual system to communicate sounds across the feed, however it is not efficient, yet. The system is based on at least 22 phonetic 'base' sounds that are common in the english language.

a b e f g h i k l m o r s t u y sh ch th
a-umlaut e-umlaut i-umlaut

So the user would blink a blink code to come up with a combination of phonetic sounds then issue a blink command to post the sounds to the audio feed.

■ Original Post:

 "Yesterday, thought about coming up with a 'blink-code', that is like a communication system for brain-waves. Basically the experiment would be set up for the participants to only communicate language via 'blinking'. They would all have a headset on. The end goal would be to correctly line up objects in the correct sequence. The user would do this without talking and using a specified 'language' for 'blinking' that could be memorized or displayed via Google Glasses. So, it would be like a sign language or Morse code for 'blinking', picked up via brain waves. Initially, I wanted to communicate via 'whisper-telepathy', where the user doesn't open their mouth but uses vocal chords to 'whisper' directions to the communication feed. Still experimenting. If I put the brain wave detector on the vocal spot, perhaps it could pick up vibrations of the user's vocal cords..."


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Projects: The Clincher Design

XJ Randall
20:07 EST

Here is a snapshot of something I am working on.

The design is stellar in my opinion. I was looking for the clincher to design a social network around. This design is the winner.  JavaScript is needed. Go here to check it out.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Projects: Codename Ebrary on the Neo Network

Projects: Codename Ebrary on the Neo Network
XJ Randall
01:26 EST

Since I was a kid, I've always liked to hang out at the library to study. The collection of information was something that motivated me to make my own collection (I don't know, I'm drawn to collecting information). This is where this idea gets its inspiration.

■ Project Codename Ebrary.

1. Project Ebrary (or XJ Corps Personal Internet Social Library) is a way to make a collection of informational pieces, whether it be in text format, html, graphics, tweets, or other online posts so that the user can look at them and share them in an aesthetic way.

2. Project Ebrary is a social network for the sharing of personal libraries of content found online, mostly in text format (but not limited to text).

3. With Project Ebrary the user makes his own personal library of online content and shares it to the world.

4. Project Ebrary allows for the ease of access to groupings, or 'libraries', of online files of similar content that would otherwise be spread apart in search engine queries.

■ Uses.

In addition to being used as a personal library that is shown to the public, Ebrary can also be used to showcase personal textual content, such as a blog, or graphical content similar to a photo collection.

■ How it works.

Ebrary would be a mix between 3D and 2D HTML5. That means it looks like a mix between 3D and 2D content (like a 3D book shelf but 2D text files). Ebrary allows the text from the web address to be automatically transfered to the file that is saved in a user's personal library. An initial  'library' can consist of text data or images, while a secondary library is for 3D content. The user would also have the possibility to sell their library with a preview of selected files first to determine whether another user wants to buy the whole collection. The user would not be buying the information, they would be buying the time spent to find the information and put it together. If the user permits, the user's library can be downloaded (with limits).

Ebrary has the possibility to run on the XJ Corps Neo Network design. Because of this, a non-paying user's library would only be showcased when the user is logged on to the network. This means that demand for a library would be shown live. When the non-paying user logs off of the network, the library is also taken off-line. However, paying users get to determine how long and at what times their library is showcased to the world. Paying users also get the advantage of having a reference file to their personal library always available for other users to make requests to see the collection (sort of like an ad), whether they are logged on or off. Non-paying users are only available in search when they are logged on. When a paying user logs back on to the network they can see how many requests they have to determine the demand of the collection and react accordingly.

Each user will have a graphical user interface to be able to edit files in their library. All files not personally created will be linked back to the source, online.

■ Other Uses.

A user can use Ebrary as a way to get funds or charge for tutorials the user personally created.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Video Game Ideas: No Time Game Concept

Video Game Ideas: No Time Game Concept
XJ Randall
21:15 EST

Let me tell you a story.

There once was a man who was a nobody, so to speak. However, he had outstanding abilities that were unknown to him at the time. The nobody worked at a restaurant. One day the restaurant closed down. The nobody had no idea why and his manager didn't tell him. Four years past and everyday weird events would happen to this nobody. He would be gang-stalked and harrassed and people would treat him like he was nothing and he didn't know why. In the same time, this nobody grew in his abilities like a talented Jedi apprentice and his knowledge of the secrets of his universe also grew exponentially.

One day, the nobody realized that there is a theory of no time. He came to realize why everyone was acting weird around him for the past ten years of his life, and it was because he was being watched like a truman (from the movie, 'The Truman Show') by most people in his life. THEY WATCHED HIM IN HIS MOST PRIVATE MOMENTS ON NATIONAL TELEVISION AND REFUSED TO TELL HIM ABOUT IT. What a revelation...! The nobody got angry that everyone had lied to his face so he decided to use his abilities to punish any one who watched him without telling him.

The nobody then realized that the reason why the restaurant he had worked at had closed down in his past was because the decision he made in the present transcended through time, through the NOW...! The reason the restaurant closed down was because the people at the restaurant were also watching him while he was working there...! The people that were watching him got an auto immune disease, but it was unknown to him at the time that he was the person in the future who brought that about.

That's also why he was being gang-stalked...! Somehow, someone didn't want him to live, because of a decision he made in the future that he wasn't aware of yet in the past. But the decision also went into the future as well. Consequently, the nobody's very own restaurant closed down in the future...! "I will have a restaurant in the future...?" the nobody asked. Correction: it would be more correct to say that he DID have a restaurant in the future.

Very interesting don't you think...? There is much more to this story that I can't tell you because if I did, I would be spoiling a movie ending.

Do you see how that works...?

If I was going to program a game (or a movie) the plot and genre will be built around the 'No Time' theory, and the theory that everything physical is a memory. This basically says that decisions in the present transcend through the past and the future. This means that the game would have to somehow calculate what the player chooses before the player chooses it. We can use the decisions / actions of the player to build a puzzle through 'the NOW' and redo previous stages in the game that were affected by the actions. Because of this the player doesn't necessarilly have to go through the memories of the game in order and can 'overwrite' memories by 'vibrating at different frequencies within the game' (by some kind of mechanism). Consequently, abilities for the player could be only accesible via the differing levels of frequencies.

I think I could make an awesome video game idea or movie script with this.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Projects: XJ Corps Simple 3D Chat

XJ Randall
21:58 EST

This is a draft of what can be done for a simple and limited 3D chat program. I am pleased with the design, however I am not sure I will build this (motivation).