Monday, September 16, 2013

The Master Idea: Manipulation of Reality In a Non-Chronological or Mono-Chronological Universe

XJ Hall

I semi-detailed part of this theory in my previous notes. To state this part simply, from this we could learn to manipulate reality, just as Jesus once did.

From this, Knowledge could not be power. No. It is the perception, the interpretation of Knowledge, that we must give our dues. It is what our minds do to it, how it is manifested that determines how powerful we are. Knowledge by itself cannot do that. Knowledge is as immaterial as numbers. Think of it as data or 1s and 0s. Different devices will display that data differently*. Only our consciousness has the ability to create the interpretation.

* Like a graph. If you give ten different people the same data and tell them to plot a graph with it, they will all do it differently, according to their 'devices'.

This tells us that the manifestation of prophecies is the willing of a consciousness to partake in the global consciousness. Because if reality is tied to multiple consciousnesses then it is committed to the sum of them. This means that as a whole we could change prophecies if we knew how. But to start it would require believing in new material and NOT repeating our history lessons. Remember, Knowledge does not change, only the perception of knowledge can change, and that is controlled by a consciousness. That would explain the quantum exercises they were doing, sending a photon through a slit and observing the output shape on the other side. Scientists were confused because the decision was made in the NOW, but when the experiment ran, it was perceived as being created in the PAST. 

"What has happened here is that a random decision (which cards to burn) made in the present has caused a photon 50 years in the past to decide to be in the form of a wave or a particle."

Then it clicked, the AHA moment...! Somehow, there is a relationship between the man making the photon punch cards in the past and the man viewing them in the present. In this relationship, once again, there is no time. This is almost like saying, the man in the past, 50 years ago, exists right next to the man in the present as we speak. Something must be constant; initially that would be Knowledge, but the whole of the idea could be explained as the Master Idea.

We are living in the NOW: not a dot that moves on a timeline, but a dot that is constantly changing, based on our perception of reality. So, there is a distance* between the man in the present and the man in the past and it is smaller than some people's distances between who they are connected to in the present...! This means, that a man who makes a decision in 2013 could affect a person or people in 1929...!*

* Think about it like two clear and flat pieces of plastic about a notebook page in size, height, and width. One layer is put on top of the other and they are suspended in space. A light source is above them. Using a black permanent marker, a circle is drawn on the top layer, but it is NOT drawn on the bottom. Even though the marker is not drawn on the bottom layer, the top layer still affects it by the shadow it makes. Now multiply the layers by infiniti with drawings on all layers and an ambient light source. Get it...? This is a very simple analogy. 

How is this possible you might ask...? Because TIME DOES NOT EXIST. All of what we percieve to be time is only a separation by 'distance' between planes in the NOW. We are living in a network, a spiderweb of interactions between people in perceived different time frames, but time is a distance that can be large or small and is independent of time frame. Technically, we are ALL in the same time frame. Based on this, in the network a node could exist in the future and affect a node in the present. Whereas vice versa, a node in the present could affect the future. There is little distance between the planes of percieved time: we're just layers on top of each other, we can't see each other but we can affect each other through our actions... now, the scientific mechanics of this is another matter.

When we look at the quantum mechanics photon experiment, it seems that the artifact itself is what makes a difference as the punch cards spanned decades, which is multiple time frames or layers. This means that the card is the same card in the present or future or past; upon it's creation it exists in all planes of existence.*

* What I am saying is that basically the Universe is made up of atoms and electrons. It would be more logical to say that instead of the punch card existing in all planes of existence, it is the atoms and electrons of its make-up that transcend all time. This would mean that whatever object you could fathom, if you could affect it right now, you are somehow affecting the atoms in that object, wherever they came from, in all planes of time, more specifically, in the NOW.

The conclusion is that we create the past and the future by what we do. right. NOW. In the network there are many dialogues: the past affecting the future, the future affecting the past, the present affecting the present, etc. We realize from this, that because there is NO TIME, WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TOLD IN HISTORY IS TRUE BUT ONLY BECAUSE WE BASE ALL OUR DECISIONS OFF OF IT. This implies, that if we chose to believe in a different past or future for ourselves, then that choice would manifest in our everyday lives. MEANING, WHAT WE BELIEVE IS FABRICATED. HISTORY IS FABRICATED. There is no time, yet if we believe History to exist, then it affects everything in the NOW. History is nothing, it doesn't exist... it is NOT concrete...! 

Just think about that. We all could be living in the biggest matrix that ever existed...! History exists because we are aware that it exists. It could be a huge control device. It only has power because we give it power. If we believe in an idea in the NOW, we believe in an idea in the past and the future. There is more on this, but what I am saying is, we can change the past and the future by changing the NOW, and perhaps, according to quantum mechanics, only if we are unaware of the past or the future. This requires letting go of certain prophecies and History. Remember to ask yourself, "what is the purpose of remembering this History?" the next time you are told that 'this is the official count of how it went down and you should learn it exactly as it is'...

Based on this Theory, being aware of something makes it true. If we keep history, then it is true. If we keep prophecy, then it is true. The manifestation of the idea that is still alive could require 'drones', or facilitators (consciousnesses) with a higher ability to affect it to bring it to fruition. It is not clear on what would make someone have a higher ability to do so, but it could be related to the amount of connections within the 'network'*.

* Suppose a person with LESS connections would be more able to affect the manifestation of an idea, or perhaps a person with MORE connections would be able to do so. If the latter was the case, the result could be tenfold in a network where an idea is learned by most people within the network. If everyone were a 'drone' or facilitator, the manifestation of the idea would be imminent.

All of this culminates to the realization that if one has a set frame of mind, then it is impossible to change reality. But anything is possible, when we change ourselves.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Theory: How is the Future cast before it occurs...?

How is the Future cast before it occurs...?

There is another dimension or plane that humans can tap into, it transcends all time, and it holds the knowledge of the Universe. It is called the Master Idea. No matter when a person taps into the Master Idea, however they got there being regardless, they are tapping into the past, present, and future because ALL OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNIVERSE HAS BEEN, IS, AND WILL BE THE SAME FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY. So when they tap into the Master Idea they are tapping into all eternity: the Truth. Time does not exist, only our perception of time exists.

The following are the notes I used to prove the above (granted I still have more work to do), that knowledge is another dimension, it holds the 'data' of that universe, regardless of time, and that the only thing that can change is our perception of reality. The concept of Free Will is slightly altered. Knowledge is constant, an Idea, forever. However, it may be interpreted differently by the consciousness. Understanding how to to affect the consciousness 'device' would lead to studies of manipulating reality.

How are we able to tell the future from a limited perspective...?
How does manifestation work...?

1.) Master Idea Theory claims that there is no "dot that moves on a timeline", only a 'dot that continually exists and is ever-changing.' Time does not exist.

2.) Therefore, because there is no past or future, there is just the present, i.e. the NOW, consisting of multi-facets of planes, each overlapping eachother or existing within the same space but separated by *a distance.

* This is exactly what time is; while our current idea of time allows us to believe it is an abstractivity, distance is a notion that is more so measurable and while being metaphysical in nature will be detectable once technology catches up.

This leads to the question, 'If the Universe stopped expanding, would 'time', or the metaphysical distance exist...? Without change, there may be no time.

Also leads to the conclusion that there could be two separate 'times'. Each differs by the distance that defines it: one is physical distance, the other metaphysical distance.

3.) I think our past is recorded in our atomic structure. Why do I beleive this...? Somehow our brain has to be able to access past memories. If the past was stored outside of our brain, the Universe is moving at a certain pace, we would be unable, physically, to connect to our past.

But this is another matter for collective unconscious.

4.) At this point, there is a plane that transcends at least the present plane, present-past plane, and present-future plane in the NOW (reality at the present moment). In the 3rd dimension, it is the Idea plane that holds the information and knowledge to everything that IS. Meaning, it's the status of the Universe and everything in it at any moment (which means it constantly changes with the universe). It is the ghost copy of the Universe, think of it this way, it is not the pen I write with, it is the properties, the data, the knowledge of the pen I write with**.

** This suggests that data, information, or knowledge, is a separate dimension itself, if not a separate plane of existence (quite possibly both).

QUESTION: What if (to test this) our reality was only that dimension, the dimension of knowledge...? We would think that we are in a physical reality, but we are actually in a limited view because we only have the properties of reality, not the physicality, suggesting that it would be up to a third party device to interpret the data... Basically, the pen I am writing with is the manifestation output by that device.

5.) When a person attempts to manifest reality / predict the future / be psychic: a certain line of events follows.

a.) The man somehow vibrates at the right frequency to tap into the knowledge dimension and sap out data.
b.) It is weird because being able to sap out data for the future would denote that not only the present have a knowledge plane (dimension) but so do the past-present and future-present planes.
c.) This leads me to the question: Are the past, present, and future knowledge dimension separate or all ONE...? IF THEY ARE ALL ONE: leads toward the revelation that ACTION is static...!

i.) The knowledge planes are ONE. past, present, future = NOW.
ii.) If the knowledge planes are all ONE and we assume that the past cannot be changed, then that would mean neither can the present nor future.
iii.) From this we conclude that if the NOW cannot be altered, then it is a constant idea.
iv.) If the NOW is a constant idea then the only thing that changes (or can change) is our perception of reality, OR the device that interprets the never-changing / static idea, or knowledge.
v.) On a separate note, this leads us to conclude that Free Will exists but it is based on interpretation of an idea that is constant.

Knowledge cannot be changed. Only interpreted differently.***

*** Like a line graph. The data can stay the same but it can be interpreted differently. Or like a song. The lyrics can stay the same, but it can have a different key or different notes.

How can we utilize this knowledge...? I have always said that there is a Master Idea that is ONE. Knowledge cannot be changed, only interpreted differently. So does this mean that if we could control our 'devices' we could manipulate our perceptions of reality....? Possibly, we might already be doing that. The question remains, HOW...? I guess we would have to find out what devices are. Is it our brains...? Perhaps, it is the consciousness (another question I have to tackle).