Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thoughts: The 'Realization' Patent and Technology

Because the Master Idea (and knowledge) is constant, any idea is everyone's idea, the only difference being the manner in which it is realized. Thus, in the future, paper contracts will not hold to claim ideas as property, so a neo-derivative would allow companies to patent via realization: an idea, consciousness, time / date, and place. The realization can be checked in a database to look up the consciousness(es) it is claimed by. In claiming a realization in this manner, a network can be created to be used auto-electronically, and among other things visualized in a 3D representation...

I realized that doesn't make sense. How can you make money off of a realization if the realization is unique to each person...? But then I realized, how can you not...? A realization is unique to each person, unless it is proven that it isn't. Meaning, it can be copyrighted or patented if the public would not normally see the realization (or idea) under any circumstances unless it is personally introduced to them by the realizer. This would mean that once the technology permits, a person could copyright, patent, and sell their 'memories'.

Why would we patent memories...? Once we can remotely access and record the electronic parts of the brain and have a system for deciphering its signals, we could have something much like a video game console that replays memories for other people to experience. It could be just like watching a movie, but it could get even more intricate when we allow for interactivity with those memories. This would go about in the following:

1.) The memories of a person are recorded.
2.) The memories are manipulated and programmed to be received by the gamer in a specific order, similar to programming a video game, by the developers of the game.
3.) The game of memories is 'cartridged' and released to the public.
4.) A gamer loads the cartridge in a commercial brain console that communicates with his brain remotely.
5.) The cartridge runs and the gamer interacts with the game based on data the brain console is receiving from the user.

A 'brain' console is a device that communicates with a user's brain remotely. When 'memories' are loaded to the console they can be played to a person's brain much like a movie or video game, except any stimuli sensed occurs internally, within the 'mind'. As of right now, the technology at our disposal is limited, however the progression of our abilities could occur in the following order:

1.) Remote recording of electrical signals or brainwaves from a user 3 to 10 feet away is possible in a manner that is sufficient enough to use in interactive gaming / programming.

2.) Genome or map of the electrical circuit of brain and/or genome of brain waves is nearly complete, allowing for deciphering of electrical signals into their parallel representations (images, movements, senses, etc.).

3.) The first gaming device (or other) utilizes 1. and 2. and outputs communication in a visual or other external format (screen, etc.)

4.)  Information is able to be sent to the brain where it is consciously recognized by the user. The device will start as 'close-range' (close to the head), then evolve over time to be used from a remote distance.

5.) Two way communication is possible between a gaming device (or other) and a user's brain, established via all of the above.

The expansion of the 'mind' industry could be crucially tied with the realization patent which is simultaneously based off of the technology for two way communication between the brain and the ability to identify a person from the 'print' of their consciousness. I suppose the first will lead to headway in the second, if it is not already established by itself.

Just my thoughts,


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