Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thoughts: Knowledge and Perception - Time's A Changin'

XJ Randall
08:21 EST

Regardless, it is amazing. A miracle, at least, besides the infinite others that are gifted to humanity, and to every person within it. God gave me the blessing of connecting to the Master Idea for probably over 10 years, on a systematic basis (almost every day), and I am very thankful I was given that time. BUT (it always has to come to a BUT), the time's a changin'. I believe that perception is the interpretation of non-chronological knowledge, or events, but when the knowledge is filtered and transformed by our 'consciousness' it is output as a linear timeline*. This means that perceiving is like shuffling a 7 card deck. The cards are the same, but when you lay them out each time, their order is different. 'Free Will' allows for variation among outcomes, but sooner or later one's consciousness must perceive all parts of the knowledge that it is rooted to.

My point is, sooner is NOW. The once direct, tangible, and very strong connection to what I would call the Master Idea, or God, has transformed to a more natural state, and let me say, I welcome this new change. If what I think is true, I am only entering the beginning of a new cycle of the same pattern that has been cyclical throughout my life. The timing was abrupt. It will be different, it feels different, but hey, what is the difference...? If we're thinking in terms of a business, the computation method is trivial as long as the expenditure is nearly the same, with the same output. And for the most part, the clients of a company don't give a damn about technique, as long as the product is the same quality. "It's about the 'W' at the end of the day." Needless to say, any 'win' is possible when you know and believe.

Excited for this new challenge is an understatement, but at the same time, it would be foolish to make any promises, besides that it could take some time to master (as a psychic told me). Unbeknownst to many, what I had before was a true gift from God, a lesson, and I am glad I used it in the way I did. I would not take anything back. This was meant to happen.

A Happy New Year with all of our resolutions resolved,


*Hypothetically, in various universes that all bend to one underlying Master Idea, a consciousness that perceives reality in each differing universe would ultimately go through the same events, however, not necessarily in the same order. According to this, events themselves are not dependent on time, meaning they can be shuffled or perceived in any order, but the order itself could depend upon the laws of the particular reality in which the events are perceived.

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