The work and aims of scientists within the 19th and 20th Centuries, specifically Nikola Tesla, allow us to walk into a new era that holds potential for neo innovation. The world is ready for an explosion of some magnitude, but that all depends on the catalyst. Based on where my studies have lead me in the past 6 months, the ultimate factor behind the spark of a technological revelation is related to finding a practical paradigm for the systematic utilization of what we perceive to be and call by name, the 'Consciousness'. In this draft, I premier an invention and idea, a proposition for an 'organic' network relying heavily on the knowledge from the past, but holding stead fast for the ultimate plan to sync with a factual 'Consciousness'.
│ Evidence │
The evidence below makes up the general science behind the inventions / ideas that follow and support our need to define 'Consciousness' and map out its structure.
'Earth-magnetic' Fields and the human EEG:
Earth's magnetic field, in slow or drastic flux, has
Resonant Frequency:
The theory of transmitting energy via identical 'frequencies' specifically allows for the transmission of electrical energy from one device to another. This has not been perfected as of yet; practical applications are limited to within 0 to 100 ft. However, there is a use for it in an organic network that is based off of local interactions (Image Broadcasting / Projection Theory), as opposed to connecting nodes that are thousands of miles apart.
Propagation Delay:
Propagation delay, or the time it takes for an electromagnetic energy to be sent to a target, could be used for unorthodox purposes, such as literally using time, or the perception of it, to 'store' electromagnetic energy, or data, until it is requested to be retrieved. This poses a problem: the data that is transferred may have a predictable 'turn-around' rate, or PD, but that does not mean that a node in the network will not request for it at any time before or after the data's predicted PD. This is not practical because a node is most probably using the network for random access. There are two suggested solutions to this which I will not go into. Somehow, we have to be able to know when the node will request for retrieval of the energy at the time they send it, even if they are using it for random access. The second option would be to somehow 'fake' the time component of PD. Meaning, the energy actually simulates going on a voyage and utilizes time to store it, but in actuality does not go anywhere. This differs from storing the energy locally because it requires time, the energy is actually sent on a path, whereas storing the energy locally means that it is physically in reach. This is interesting... (tbc.).
Atmospheric Energy:
According to various sources concerning Nikola Tesla, he may or may not have been able to utilize the properties of the atmosphere to produce free electrical currents. I haven't read his bio yet, just seen and read many things about him, and there was a documentary that purported that Tesla did in fact create a device that utilized the static in the atmosphere, as he demonstrated with an electric car. The use for such a device is multiplicitous. On the one hand, the device could be perfected to such a state that it is as tiny as a blue-tooth device: everyone could be connected to the network, the device would power their connections. On the other hand, the device could be used for other purposes not limited to producing electricity, including retrieving / converting other types of energy.
│ NEON │
NEON, or Neo Electromagnetic Organic Network, is almost exactly as it's name implies. It is a network that is organic in nature because it is conducted via information that is is transmitted, broadcast, or stored through the atmosphere, or 'air', using a form of electromagnetic resonance and 'retrieval'. There are two ways through which it can do this, the latter involves propagation delay.
│ Scenario A │
The first scenario shows a design for the network that would allow it to be void of unwanted physical conglomerations, making it more efficient. There would be no need for the systematic placement of massive radio towers. There are no cords and no computers because the network is stored in the atmosphere, or 'air'. Any modification to information is done before it is transmitted, or broadcast, into the 'air' (sent to the network). The sending or transmission of information is viable through possible future technological advancements in electromagnetic resonance, which would allow a carrier, node, or person in the network, to 'vibrate' the information into the air. There is a problem with this however: air cannot record / store anything but heat, and it is always constantly moving. The solution to this is to set up a network that is only local. This means that only the nodes or people in your area will be able to interact with your device. There would literally be a circle around a node, about a radius of 3 to 290 ft., showing the 'interaction range'.
│ Scenario B │
The second scenario is a wider network with the scope of who ever is connected to the atmosphere. So this means most likely the country or bordering countries, it would depend on how much the atmosphere could be tinkered with. I'm not saying it is, but I would like to entertain the notion that maybe it could be possible to somehow store data in the 'static' of the atmosphere, or essentially in air. If we cannot do it via the 'static' of the atmosphere, I have a hunch that delving further into the 'Consciousness' question will open us up to new insights. (tbc...).
│ A Crude Demonstration │
A light bulb is connected to a large copper coil, coil A, ready to interact with it's brother, coil B, which is 3 feet away and has no electric current running through it, via 'a resonance'. A person flips a switch and an electric current runs through coil B. Coil A then 'picks up' that current and the light bulb ignites. This lasts for one second. A person then retracts the switch and an electrical current ceases to flow through coil B. The light bulb turns off. The number '1' has been successfully broadcast.
Now, imagine if there were 29 light bulbs in the room. This would mean that every time the switch was flipped, all of the light bulbs would share the 'resonance' within the 'interaction circle / range' and would ignite. This might mean that the energy would be dimmed for each light bulb unless each light bulb itself retrieved FREE energy from the atmosphere, basically acting as a sender and receiver. As each light bulb is a node it is able to broadcast to other nodes around it (not going too deep into this). Of course, the real 'organic' network is more complicated than that.
│ Problems │
A problem that pops up is, "Why would someone go through all this trouble when we can just use radio waves...?" Good question. I think some great things can come from this. And moreover, once the 'Consciousness' is broken down and we can use it, the main problems that have kept occurring while creating this idea would be solved. For instance, if we found out what the 'Consciousness' was, this might lead us to find what the 'collective unconscious' runs on, and we would definitely be able to store data in it for random access by anyone at any time (more on this idea later... tbc.).
Well, that sums it up.
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